- Company info
Mantopoulou and Davaki 1, 43200 – Palamas, Karditsa
- Introduction
The operation of the online store is governed by the use of the applicable Code of Ethics.
Please read carefully the following terms and conditions of use of this website. The use of the website is possible only in accordance with these terms and conditions and it is a presumption that you have read, understood and fully accepted without any reservation these terms and conditions. If you do not accept any of them, please leave the website and do not use it further. The information contained in this website is addressed to existing and/or prospective customers of in Greece and may not be valid in other countries. The information contained in this website is addressed to existing and/or prospective customers of in Greece and may not be valid in other countries. However, there are legal limits and restrictions, which are imposed on all visitors to this site and linked sites. We ask that you respect the rules described below.
- Copyright
All the contents of the website (texts, product information, photos, graphics, logos and software) are the intellectual property of and are protected by Greek and International Legislation regarding the protection of intellectual property rights. reserves all rights over all the content and does not grant any license or intellectual property rights to the users of this website. In addition, the website may contain material whose intellectual property rights belong to third parties. Redistribution, modification, reproduction, republishing or retransmission of any information on this website by any electronic, printed or other means is expressly prohibited.
- Company Liability
Our company bears no responsibility or liability for any damage resulting from failure to provide support services and does not guarantee that the service will be uninterrupted or that no technical error will occur due to the nature of the Internet. The company is not liable to customers/users for any damages that may arise from the execution or non-execution of their order or for errors in the data entered by the user/customer in the order forms, as well as for any errors in prices or product characteristics. The company also reserves the right to deliver the products in cases of force majeure.
- User Responsibility – Customer
The user accepts that he does not use this website for
a) illegal collection or storage of data about other users,
b) sending, publishing or transmitting any content that is illegal or causes harm to our company or any third party;
c) send, reproduce, publish, send by e-mail, or transmit in other ways any content that infringes a patent, trademark, distinctive title, trade secret, copyright of the company or other proprietary rights of third parties.
The responsibility for the general use of the website and for the content of the transactions belongs exclusively to the user/customer.
Any illegal use of the website will result in automatic termination of the services provided without any notice.
- Security
All transactions you carry out through our website are governed by International and European Law that regulates issues related to electronic commerce, as well as by the Consumer Protection Law (n. 2251/1994). Our company has taken all the necessary measures to ensure maximum safety. All information related to the personal details of our customers is secure and confidential and is provided to us only in the event that website users wish to order products and/or receive informative e-mails.
All requests sent online to our company, as well as the information transmitted by the user/customer are confidential and are used in order for its users to have direct and effective communication with the store. Our company does not disclose, transfer, grant or exchange personal data of its customers, unless required by law or court order.
The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR 2016/679), any more specific national and European legislation for certain sectors, the currently applicable Greek legislation for the protection of personal data, as well as for the protection personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (PDPA).
You can read more information here. uses SSL security protocol (2048 bits key length) to secure transactions and personal data of users/customers. SSL technology relies on a session key to encrypt data before it is sent over the SSL connection. The server decrypts the security key using its private key and establishes a secure connection).
- Cancellation of Orders
In case the user/customer wishes to cancel his order, he can contact us by calling 24410 23650 or by sending an e-mail to Depending on the stage of development of your order we will inform you about the options you have.
- Product prices
The price of each product will be that set out at all times on our website, except in cases of obvious error. We always take steps to ensure that the prices on our website are always accurate, however an error may occur. If we discover an error in the price of any product you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible and give you the opportunity to reconfirm your order at the corrected correct price or cancel it if you wish. If we are unable to contact you, your order will be canceled and we will refund the exact amount you have paid. We are not obliged to supply you with any product at an incorrect lower price (even if we have sent a Dispatch Confirmation) where the error in price is obvious and undisputed and can reasonably be recognized by you as an incorrect price. The prices on our website include VAT but do not include shipping and cash on delivery costs, which are calculated separately, depending on the value and method of shipping/collection of your orders.